
Cannabinoids are the active chemical compounds found in cannabis flowers that interact with the brain’s receptors, providing relief from a variety of symptoms, including pain, nausea, anxiety, and inflammation. While there are many cannabinoids, THC and CBD are the most commonly recognized due to their significant roles in symptom management for various conditions.
Upon consuming cannabis, cannabinoids connect with receptor sites located throughout the brain (known as CB-1 receptors) and the body (CB-2 receptors). The effects produced by different cannabinoids depend on the specific receptors they bind to. For example, THC binds predominantly with CB1 receptors in the central nervous system, resulting in mental and behavioral effects, such as a sense of euphoria or being “high.” On the other hand, CBD binds to CB2 receptors, which are mostly present in the peripheral nervous system and play a role in immune response and inflammation. Activation of CB2 receptors can help the body relax, repair itself, and reduce pain perception without impairing cognitive functions.